Asli Zeren

Chercheur.e associé.e

Institution de rattachement principal :

Coordonnées professionnelles


Elle a obtenu son Master en civilisations anatoliennes et gestion du patrimoine culturel au département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art de l'université de Koç, Istanbul.
Sa thèse de Master porte sur le culte encore actuel d'un saint au début du christianisme avec son contexte historique à Constantinople et une proposition de projet de sauvetage pour l'avenir de l'église byzantine dédiée à Sainte-Euphémie et ses alentours. Elle a effectué son doctorat au Département d'Architecture de Politecnico di Milano. Sa recherche de thèse porte sur l'analyse des stratégies de gestion actuelles des zones historiques d'Istanbul sur la base des principes de l'approche du paysage urbain historique et, à travers trois cas controversés du patrimoine, elle tente de refléter la (mauvaise) gestion complexe du patrimoine urbain dans une ville inscrite au patrimoine culturel mondial de l'UNESCO.
Elle a terminé sa recherche postdoctorale à l'EHESS (CEMS) sur l'exploration de la destruction irréversible et traumatisante des valeurs patrimoniales en milieu urbain à la suite des politiques patrimoniales, des processus d'urbanisation et de mondialisation, tout en questionnant l'existence de la participation des communautés locales à cette transformation rapide et inévitable.

She obtained her M.A. in Anatolian Civilizations and Cultural Heritage Management at Department of Archaeology and History of Art at Koç University. Her Master's thesis focuses on the still-surviving cult of an early Christian saint with its historical background in Constantinople and a rescue project proposal for the future of the Byzantine church dedicated to St. Euphemia together with its surroundings. She finished her Ph.D. in Department of Architecture at Politecnico di Milano. Her thesis research focuses on the analysis of the current management strategies for the Historic Areas of Istanbul based on the principles of the Historic Urban Landscape Approach and through three controversial heritage cases, it tries to reflect the complex (mis)management of urban heritage in a World Heritage City.
She completed her postdoc research at EHESS (CEMS) on exploring the irreversible and traumatic destruction of heritage values in urban environment as a result of heritage politics, urbanisation and globalisation processes while questioning the existence of local community participation in this rapid and inevitable transformation. 

Intérêts scientifiques / Scientific interests

Gestion du patrimoine culturel et archéologie publique / Cultural Heritage Management and Public Archaeology

Espace public, mémoire et identité / Public Space, Memory and Identity

Histoire et politique du patrimoine / History and Heritage Politics

Les villes du patrimoine mondial et paysages urbains historiques / World Heritage Cities and Historic Urban Landscapes

Le tourisme culturel et les stratégies de développement durable / Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development Strategies 

Mouvements sociaux et mutations politiques

Champs / Fields

Turquie contemporaine / Contemporary Turkey

Empire ottoman / Ottoman Empire

Enseignements / Teaching activities

(Cours enseigné en anglais pendant l'année académique 2016-2017)

TRM 48G.01 Patrimoine culturel d'Istanbul / Cultural Heritage of Istanbul, Boğaziçi University

TRM 541.01 Tourisme culturel et gestion du patrimoine culturel / Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, Boğaziçi University


Zeren, A. 2020. "L'avenir du patrimoine dans une ville du patrimoine mondial : une analyse critique des cas controversés à Istanbul."

Zeren, A. 2020. "The Future of Heritage in a World Heritage City: A Critical Analysis of Controversial Cases in Istanbul."

World Heritage Watch, The 8th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, January 19-20, 2020, 127-131.

Projets de recherches / Research projects

A Translation and Interpretation of Personal Relations in a Vertical Society: A Theory of Homogeneous Society by Chie Nakane (January 2003, Ankara University)

Following the Traces of a Female Saint in and out of Constantinople: The Cult of St. Euphemia and a Rescue Project Proposal for the Church by the Hippodrome (June 2010, Koc University)

The World Heritage Cities in the Third Millennium and Integrated Strategies for Managing Change in the Historic Urban Landscapes: Interpreting the Case of Sultanahmet Archaeological Park in Istanbul's Historic Peninsula (December 2015, Politecnico di Milano)

Lost Heritage in Historic Urban Landscapes and Community Participation in Heritage Management: Case Studies from Istanbul and Paris (September 2019, EHESS)

Projets collectifs / Collective projects

World Heritage Watch International Conference, Istanbul, Civil Society, the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Development, May 2016-Aug. 2016

International Workshop in Design, Technologies and Innovation in Cultural Heritage Enhancement, Politecnico di Milano, Mantova Campus, May 2014

Cultural Heritage Education for Primary School Students in Üsküdar Published EU project in cooperation with Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency and Association of Archaeologists, Istanbul, April 2011

The Archaeological Park of Sultanahmet and Rescue Project Proposal for the Church of St. Euphemia Conference Organised by Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency, Istanbul, March 2010

Selected Presentations at Conferences and Seminars

Heritage as a Form of Collective Memory and Identity: The Cours Belsunce in Marseille and The Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-ProvenceHabiter le patrimoine. L’habitat urbain entre destruction, réhabilitation et réappropriation (histoire, sciences sociales et architecture) L’Institut d'Urbanisme et d’Aménagement Régional (IUAR), Aix Marseille Université, July 2021

The Future of Byzantine Heritage in Istanbul: Interpreting the Controversial Conversions and the Long-neglected Sites The 7th Seminar on Constantinople in Late Antiquity, Université de Lille, February 2021

The Future of Heritage in a World Heritage City: A Critical Analysis of the Controversial Cases in Sultanahmet Archaeological Park World Heritage Site World Heritage Watch The 8thInternational NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk, UNESCO Paris January 2020

Lost Heritage in Historic Urban Landscapes: The Case of Istanbul Atelier Droit de la Culture, Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique (ISP) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay, Paris, June 2019

Connecting Communities Through Heritage: Selected Case Studies with Community-Centred Approach to Heritage Management UNESCO Frictions, Patrimoine et Globalisation: Circulations, Frictions, Échelles, EHESS/Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporain (IIAC), Paris, April 2018

Managing Change in Historic Urban Landscapes: Interpreting the Case of Sultanahmet Archaeological Park in Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula Sociétés urbaines méditerranéennes. Histoire et anthropologie, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris, May 2018

Urban Heritage Management and Community Participation: The Case of Narmanlı Han in Istiklal Avenue Public Demos, Public Space Democracy: International Study Group on Artistic Expressions and Aesthetic Styles in Public Space, EHESS/Centre d'études sociologiques et politiques Raymond Aron (CESPRA), Paris, May 2018

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