Stefano Petrungaro

Chercheur.e associé.e

Institution de rattachement principal :

Équipe(s) : Balkans contemporains, Droits des personnes mouvements sociaux et mutations politiques

Coordonnées professionnelles

Ca’ Foscari University in Venice
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Palazzo Cosulich, Dorsoduro 1405, 30123 Venice (Italy)


Page personnelle

Projet collectifs en cours

Stefano Petrungaro et Michele Mioni (Université de Bamberg) coordonnent le projet « Socially marginalized people and the mixed economy of welfare in Europe (1918-1939) » (Lituanie, Irlande, Danemark, Norvège, France, Croatie, Espagne, Belgique, Italie, Tchécoslovaquie et Yougoslavie), qui explore l'interrelation entre les personnes socialement marginalisées et ceux qui sont chargés de les aider: l'État, les collectivités locales et une constellation d'acteurs bénévoles et informels.

Intérêts scientifiques / Scientific interests

Avant de commencer à enseigner à l'Université Ca' Foscari de Venise, Stefano Petrungaro a été senior researcher à l'Institut Leibniz d'études de l'Europe de l'Est et du Sud-Est à Ratisbonne, en Allemagne (2012-2017), chercheur post-doctoral à l'Université de Padoue (2008-2011), post-doc chercheur invité au GWZO de Leipzig (2006, 2007) et maître de conférences invité à l'Université de Zagreb (2007-2011).
Il a enquêté sur les cultures de la mémoire dans la Yougoslavie du XXe siècle et sur l'histoire sociale et culturelle des révoltes populaires à la fin de l’Empire Habsbourg en Croatie. Il a récemment conclu un projet de recherche de groupe sur la transition du socialisme au post-socialisme dans les chantiers navals de Gdynia (Pologne) et de Pula (Croatie). Il travaille actuellement sur l'histoire des inégalités sociales et de l'ingénierie sociale dans la première Yougoslavie. À l'avenir, il aimerait examiner la question de l'exhumation des fosses communes en Europe de l'Est dans une perspective comparative.

Before joining Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Stefano Petrungaro was Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, Germany (2012-2017), post-doc research fellow at the University of Padua (2008–2011), post-doc visiting research fellow at the GWZO in Leipzig (2006, 2007), and visiting lecturer at the University of Zagreb (2007-2011).
He investigated the cultures of remembrance in the 20th century Yugoslavia, and the social and cultural history of popular turmoil in late Habsburg Croatia. He has recently concluded a group research project about the transition from late- to post-socialism in the shipyards of Gdynia (Poland) and Pula (Croatia). He currently works on the history of social inequalities and social engineering in the first Yugoslavia. In the future he would like to examine the issue of the exhumation from mass graves in Eastern Europe in a comparative perspective.

Champs / Research fields

Histoire sociale et culturelle / social and cultural history

Études du travail / labour studies

Étude des mémoires collectives / memory studies

Fonctions / Responsabilities

01/2022- Responsable adjoint du projet de recherche national "Mythes de légitimation et gouvernement de différence dans les régimes impériaux européens à l'époque moderne et contemporaine", financé par le ministère italien de l'Éducation, de l'Université et de la Recherche / Vice-Chair of the national research project “Myths Of Legitimation and Government of Difference in the European Imperial Regimes during the Modern and Contemporary Age”, funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research

2021- Coordinateur, Programme de maîtrise "Relations internationales comparées", Université Ca' Foscari, Venise / Coordinator, MA Programme "Comparative International Relations", Ca’ Foscari University, Venice

12/2020- membre du Comité de direction du Doctorat d'études historiques, géographiques et anthropologiques (Université de Padoue, Université Ca' Foscari de Venise) / member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

03/2019- Membre du comité de pilotage de le Cost-Action « Who Cares in Europe? » / Member of the Management Committee of the Cost-Action "Who Cares in Europe?" 

Comités de rédaction de revues / Journal Editorial Boards

2017- Membre du comité de rédaction / editorial board member de “Passatoe presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea”

2002-2011 Membre du comité de rédaction / editorial board member de ’900. Per una storia del tempo presente

membre du conseil consultatif scientifique international / Member of the international advisory board:

2019- Historijski zbornik (Zagreb)

2019- Südost-Forschungen" (Regensburg)

Comité éditorial de collection / Book Series Editorial Committee

2014-2020 membre du Comité éditorial de collection / member of the Book Series Editorial Committee “Labour History Studies Series” edited by SISLav (Italian Society of Labour History)


Livres / Books

Philipp Ther, Ulf Brunnbauer, Piotr Filipkowski, Andrew Hodges, Stefano Petrungaro, Peter Wegenschimmel, In den Stürmen der Transformation. Zwei Werften zwischen Sozialismus und EU, Suhrkamp, Berlin 2022.

Stefano Petrungaro, Balcani: una storia di violenza?[The Balkans: A History of Violence?], Carocci, Rome 2012

Stefano Petrungaro, Pietre e fucili. La protesta sociale nelle campagne croate di fine Ottocento[Stones and Rifles. Social Protest in the Croatian Countryside at the End of the 19th Century], Viella, Rome 2009

Croatian translation: Kamenje i puške. Društveni protest na hrvatskom selu krajem XIX. stoljeća, transl. by Jasna Rešić, SrednjaEuropa, Zagreb 2011

Laura Cerasi, Rolf Petri, Stefano Petrungaro, Porti di frontiera. Industria e commercio a Trieste, Fiume e Pola tra le guerre mondiali [Harbours at the Frontier. Industry and Trade in Trieste, Fiume and Pola Between the Two World Wars], Viella, Rome 2008

Stefano Petrungaro, Riscrivere la storia. Il caso della manualistica croata (1918-2004)[Rewriting History. The Case of the Croatian Textbooks: 1918-2004], foreword by Stuart Woolf, Fondazione Federico Chabod, Stylos, Aosta 2006

Croatian edition: Pisati povijest iznova. Hrvatski udžbenici povijesti 1918.-2004. godine, transl. by Franko Dota, SrednjaEuropa, Zagreb 2009

Directions d’ouvrages et de numéros de revue / Edited books and journal issues

Michele Mioni; Stefano Petrungaro, (a cura di), The Social Marginals and the Mixed Economy of Welfare in Interwar Europe. A Reader of Primary Sources, Cost Action, pp. 1-65, open access:

Fabio Giomi, Stefano Petrungaro (eds), Voluntary Associations in Yugoslavia (1918-1941), special issue of European Review of History26 (2019), 1, pp. 1-162.

La fine della Jugoslavia: tempo di bilanci, edited and with an introduction by S. Petrungaro, with contributions by Marie-Janine Calic, Jasna Dragović-Soso, Irena Ristić, Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 90 (3), 2013, pp.17-36.

Vito Francesco Gironda, Michele Nani, Stefano Petrungaro (eds),Imperi coloniali. Italia, Germania e la costruzione del “mondo coloniale”, thematic issue of 900. Per una storia del tempo presente, 2009/1.

Stefano Petrungaro (ed.), Fratelli di chi. Libertà, uguaglianza e guerra nel Quarantotto asburgico[Whose Brothers? Freedom, Equality and War in the 1848 Revolutions in the Habsburg Empire], Edizioni Spartaco, Santa Maria Capua Vetere 2008.


Stefano Petrungaro, “Police and prostitution in Yugoslavia: a nuanced relationship”, in European Review of History, vol. 29 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 170-193.

Stefano Petrungaro, “La Jugoslavia postbellica: una moderna storia di conflitto e controllo sociale”, in Qualestoria, 48 (2020), pp. 21-35.

Stefano Petrungaro, Fabio Giomi, “Oltre il fallimento: la prima Jugoslavia, una storia europea”, in Passato e presente, 110 (2020), pp. 107-121.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Ethics of Works and Discipline in Transition: Uljanik in Late- and Post-Socialism”, in Review of Croatian History, 15 (2019), 1, pp.191-213.

Giomi, Fabio; Petrungaro, Stefano, “Voluntary Associations, State and Gender in Interwar Yugoslavia. An Introduction”, in European Review of History, 26 (2019), 1, pp. 1-18.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Soup Kitchens and Yugoslav Poor Relief between the Two World Wars”, European Review of History, 26 (2019), 1, pp. 141-162.

Stefano Petrungaro, The Medical Debate about Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Yugoslavia (1918-1941), Social History of Medicine, 32 (2019), 1, pp. 121-142.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Mendiants et philanthropie dans la Yougoslavie de l’entre-deux-guerres”, Revue d'Histoire de la Protection Sociale, 11 (2018), pp. 92-116.

Stefano Petrungaro, Popular Protest Against Hungarian Symbols in Croatia (1883-1903). A Study in Visual History, in: «Cultural and Social History. The Journal of the Social History Society», 13 (2016), 4, pp. 503-520.

Stefano Petrungaro, “La ricerca sull´Europa orientale in Germania”, Passato e presente, 33 (2015), 95, pp. 101-120.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Hostels for Jobless Workers in Interwar Yugoslavia (1921-1941)”, International Review of Social History, 59 (2014), 3, pp. 443–471.

Stefano Petrungaro, “The Fluid Boundaries of ´Work´. Some Considerations about Concepts, Approaches, and South-Eastern Europe”, Südost-Forschungen, 72/2013,271-286.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Annettere e connettere: l’Istria e Fiume”, Qualestoria, 38, 2010/1, 29-39

Stefano Petrungaro, “Il nation-building in Croazia. Gli studi recenti“, Memoria e ricerca, 30, 2009/2, 129-146.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Moderne Staatsgewalt in Kroatien-Slawonien am Ende des 19. Jh.“, Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas, 2007/08, 9-10, 46-67.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Gli istituti statali di storia contemporanea nei paesi successori della Jugoslavia. Uno sguardo d’insieme”, Quaderni storici, 43 (2008), 2/128, 433-453.

Stefano Petrungaro, “A scuola di trauma. In Jugoslavia e poi”, Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 24 (2006), 68, 75-98.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Slike povijesti”, Povijest u nastavi, III (2005), 1 (5), pp. 7-28; republished in Razlika-Diffèrance. Časopis za kritiku i umjetnost teorije, 2005/10-11, 233-254.

Stefano Petrungaro, “L’Europa dell’Est, o a est dell’Europa. In margine a un dibattito intorno a mental maps, confini e balcanismo”, 900. Per una storia del tempo presente, 2004/10, 77-86.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Sui banchi di scuola in Croazia: la storia nazionale ad uso didattico e le sue rielaborazioni lungo il ‘900”, Memoria e ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 2004/15, 113-128.

Stefano Petrungaro, “La riscrittura della storia in Croazia”, Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 20 (2002), 55, 35-42.

Chapitres d’ouvrages et actes de colloque / Book chapters & proceedings

Stefano Petrungaro, Jugoslavia, prima, durante e dopo. Progetti di nazione e cittadinanza, in Rolf Petri, Maria Laura Picchio Forlati (eds), L'Europa a cent'anni dalla Prima guerra mondiale. Storia, politica, diritto, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020, pp. 47-56.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Interwar Yugoslavia Looked Through Corporatist Glasses”, in: Antonio Costa Pinto (ed.), Corporatism and Fascism: The Corporatist Wave in Europe, London: Routledge, 2017, 236-256.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Il confine sfuggente: il caso dei Balcani”, in Luigi Blanco, Chiara Tamanini (eds.), La storia attraversa i confini. Esperienze e prospettive didattiche, Carocci, Rome 2015, 101-113.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Fire and Honour. On the Comparability of Popular Protests in late 19th Century Croatia-Slavonia”, in Sabine Rutar (ed.), Beyond the Balkans. Towards an Inclusive History of Southeastern Europe, Lit Verlag, Münster etc. 2014, 221-236

Stefano Petrungaro, “La ´Lotta di liberazione popolare´ in Jugoslavia e negli stati successori: una questione di (r)esistenza”, in: Aldo Agosti, Chiara Colombini (eds), Resistenza e autobiografia della nazione: uso pubblico, rappresentazione, memoria, Edizioni Seb 27, Turin 2013, 309-319.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Novorođena država u potrazi za poviješću (i povjesničarima)”, in Drago Roksandić, Magdalena Najbar-Agičić, Ivana Cvijović Javorina (eds), Desničini susreti 2009. Zbornik radova, Centar za komparativnohistorijske i interkulturne studije, Filozofski Fakultet Press, Zagreb 2011, 122-138.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Jugostalgia. Ripensamenti al cospetto della Jugoslavia defunta”, in Rolf Petri (ed.), Nostalgia. Memoria e passaggi tra le sponde dell’Adriatico, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2009, pp. 255-274.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Die Verteidiger der Eliten. Das Gericht als Arena der Elitenvergesellschaftung in Kroatien-Slawonien (zweite Hälfte des 19. Jhr.)”, in Karsten Holste, Dietlind Hüchtker, Michael G. Müller (eds), Aufsteigen und Obenbleiben in europäischen Gesellschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Akteure – Arenen – Aushandlungsprozesse, Akademieverlag, Berlin 2009, 83-98.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Armate asburgiche. Sulla militanza armata femminile”, in S. Petrungaro (ed.), Fratelli di chi. Libertà, uguaglianza e guerra nel Quarantotto asburgico, Edizioni Spartaco, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) 2008, 113-138.

Stefano Petrungaro,“Attraverso il sindacato. I delegati protagonisti del conflitto sociale”, in Luca Baldissara (ed.), Tempi di conflitti, tempi di crisi. Contesti e pratiche del conflitto sociale a Reggio Emilia nei “lunghi anni settanta”, l’Ancora del Mediterraneo, Napoli 2008, 311-348.

Stefano Petrungaro, “Socialismi, jugoslavismi, nazionalismi. Sulle storiografie in Jugoslavia (1945-1990)”, in Lorenzo Bertuccelli, Mila Orlić (eds), Una storia balcanica. Fascismo, comunismo e nazionalismo nella Jugoslavia del Novecento, Edizioni Ombre Corte, Verona 2008, 152-173.

Stefano Petrungaro, “I Balcani e lo spazio dell’(in)ospitalità”, in Riccardo Panattoni, Gianluca Solla (eds), L’ospitalità, l’infrangersi, Marietti, Genova-Milano 2006, 119-127.

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