Yusuf Ziya Karabicak

Chercheur.e associé.e

Post-doctorantInstitution de rattachement principal :

Discipline : Histoire et Civilisations

Équipe(s) : Empire ottoman

Coordonnées professionnelles


Chercheur postdoctoral à l'Université Johannes-Gutenberg Mainz / Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz

Yusuf Ziya Karabıçak fut formé en histoire à l’Université Boğaziçi, Istanbul. Il a aussi reçu un master de la même université en 2012. En décembre 2020, il a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat intitulée "Local Patriots and Ecumenical Ottomans: The Orthodox Patriarcate of Constantinople in the Ottoman Configuration of Power, 1768-1828" à l'Université McGill et à l'EHESS (cotutelle de thèse). Actuellement, il est chercheur postdoctoral à l'Université Johannes-Gutenberg Mainz et réalise un projet intitulé "Crisis and Transformation of an Old Regime: Circulation of Ideologies and Institutions between Russian and Ottoman Empires, 1768–1774" dans le cadre du programme prioritaire Transottomanica de la Fondation allemande pour la recherche (DFG).
Il est un historien de l'Empire ottoman, se concentrant sur les questions de formation de l'État, de religion, de diplomatie, de patriotisme et de révolution d'un point de vue ottoman (musulman et orthodoxe). Il s'intéresse à l'ère des révolutions et à la manière dont cette période s'est déroulée dans le sud-est de l'Europe.

Yusuf Ziya Karabıçak received an M.A degree from Bogazici University (Istanbul) with a thesis on Greek associations in Constantinople in late 19th century. In December 2020, he has completed his PhD thesis titled “Local Patriots and Ecumenical Ottomans: The Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople in the Ottoman Configuration of Power, 1768-1828” at McGill University and EHESS. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz carrying out a project titled “Crisis and Transformation of an Old Regime: Circulation of Ideologies and Institutions between Russian and Ottoman Empires, 1768–1774” as part of the Transottomanica priority program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
He is a historian of the Ottoman Empire, focusing on questions of state formation, religion, diplomacy, patriotism, and revolution from an Ottoman (Muslim and Orthodox) perspective. He is interested in the Age of Revolutions and how this period unraveled in the Southeastern Europe.

Intérêts scientifiques / Scientific interests

Le patriarcat orthodoxe de Constantinople / Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople

Diplomatie ottoman / Ottoman diplomacy

Age of Revolution / l’ère de révolutions 

Champs / Fields

Histoire de l’Empire ottoman / Ottoman History

Histoire des concepts / Conceptual history

Europe du sud-est / South-Eastern Europe

Enseignements / Teaching activities

2022 :

Übung Neueste Geschichte: Ottoman Age of Revolutions (JGU Mainz)

HIST 494: Ottoman Conceptual History (Boğaziçi University)

2016 – 2017 :

HIST 310 : Revolutions and Dictatorships in Southern Europe (McGill University)


“Making sense of an execution: Patriarch Gregory V between the Sublime Porte and the Patriarchate,”Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (accepted)

“Defending Polish Liberties: A Conceptual and Diplomatic History of the Ottoman Declaration of War on Russia in 1768,”Ab Imperio 2022/1, 133-165.

“Sultan’s Clergy: The Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople between Serbian communities and Ottoman Government, 1797‑1813,” Bulletin de correspondance hellénique moderne et contemporain, 2 (2020), 115-129.

“Who were the rebellious Rum milleti? Ottoman attempts to define the rebels during the Greek War of Independence,” Studia Islamica 114/3 (2020), 316-354.

“Between Submission and Fidelity: Ottoman Muslim Elite’s Changing Perceptions of the Greek Orthodox Populations, 1770-1821,” Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 33/1 (2020), 89-111.

“‘Why would we be limberte?’ Liberté in the Ottoman Empire, 1792-1800,” TURCICA, 51 (2020), 219-253.

“Ah Umut: Pontic Villages in the Late Ottoman Empire,” Δελτίο Κέντρου Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών, 21 (2020), 121-154.

Autres activités scientifiques / Other scientific activities

Traduction / Translation : Haris Exertzoglou, « Oi hamenes patrides » Pera apo th nostalgia, Athens : Nefeli, 2011. Traduction en Turc / Translation to TurkishTarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2015.

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