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Zeynep Gönen

Zeynep Gönen

Zeynep Gönen is an independent scholar based in Izmir, Turkey. Her research focuses on the penal/security state, processes of criminalization, and different dimensions of the practices of security in contemporary societies, particularly Turkey. Her recent book The Politics of Crime in Turkey (I.B. Tauris, 2016) explores the new policing strategies and locates them within the global expansion of securitization in the neoliberal era.



Terror, Violence, Murder: Kurds in the Turkish Media in the 1990s

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Histoire comparée des sciences sociales : une approche matérielle »


Based on an archival study of one of the large newspapers in Turkey, this talk will decipher some of the codes and discourses on Kurds during the 1990s, a period of intense war between PKK and Turkish state. The analysis of these discourses about Kurdish populations will reveal the racist ideologies and give hints about how Kurdish identity is imagined and produced as an Other in the Turkish media.

  • Lundi 24 avril 2017, de 14h à 17h – EHESS (Salle B), 2 rue de la Charité 13002 Marseille

Doing Fieldwork in Present-Day Turkey: An Urban Perspective

Dans le cadre du séminaire Itinéraires et de débats en études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques


This lecture will elaborate on the problems, hardships and possibilities of fieldwork research in contemporary urban Turkey. Gönen will talk about her own experience, and also draw from other field researchers’ accounts to understand the different dimensions of being on the field. A particular attention will be given to the new conditions and dynamics that influence fieldworks under the Turkish state of emergency.

  • Mercredi 3 mai 2017, de 10h à 13h – EHESS (AS1_08), 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

Giuliani in Izmir: Restructuring of the Izmir Public Order Police and Criminalization of the Urban Poor

Dans le cadre du Séminaire mensuel du Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBaC)


Starting from the late 1990s, discourses about a new wave of crime in Turkey’s big cities have occupied the media. This period has also witnessed a parallel crisis in the Turkish National Police. Initiated as response to both to crime discourses and police crisis, an elaborate restructuring of the Izmir Public Order Police was introduced in 2006. This lecture is charts the new elements, methods, technologies of Izmir’s new policing scheme, and examines its strategies.

  • Jeudi 4 mai 2017, de 15h à 17h – EHESS (Salle 1 3), 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

“The moment you step out of your home, you are under the control of the penal hand of the state”: Public order policing in neoliberal Izmir

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Pouvoirs et sociétés en Turquie contemporaine.            


This lecture is on the effects of the Izmir’s new policing strategies on the “target populations” of Izmir Police from the perspective of the policed. Drawing on a neighborhood study and on the encounters of poor Kurdish populations with the police, the lecture will discuss the politics of new policing, and the processes of criminalization and depoliticization entailed in it.

  • Mercredi 10 mai, de 11h à 13h – Lieu à confirmer


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