Tuncay Şur


DoctorantInstitution de rattachement principal :

Discipline : Droit Etudes politiques et Philosophie

Institution(s) de rattachement : EHESS

Coordonnées professionnelles


Il a obtenu son master à l'Institut des sciences sociales de l'Université d'Ankara. Candidat au doctorat en droit études politiques et philosophie depuis 2018 au CETOBaC sous la direction de Hamit Bozarslan. Sa thèse vise à analyser la réémergence de la question kurde dans le discours de l'État turc pendant la période de la guerre froide. Basée sur la biographie collective de 32 intellectuels d'élite turcs nationalistes-conservateurs pendant la guerre froide, cette thèse se concentre sur la manière dont ces intellectuels d'élite ont redéfini la kurdité et la question kurde.

He obtained his master's degree from the Institute of Social Sciences of Ankara University. Doctoral candidate in law, political studies and philosophy since 2018 at CETOBaC under the supervision of Hamit Bozarslan. His thesis aims to analyse the re-emergence of the Kurdish question in Turkish state discourse during the Cold War period. Based on the collective biography of 32 nationalist-conservative Turkish elite-intellectuals during the Cold War, this thesis focuses on how these elite-intellectuals redefined Kurdishness and the Kurdish question.

Intérêts scientifiques / Scientific interests

Nationalisme kurde et question kurde en Turquie et au Moyen-Orient / Kurdish nationalism and the Kurdish question in Turkey and the Middle East.

Nationalisme turc / Turkish nationalism.

Pouvoir et formation de l'État / Power and formation of the state / La formation du discours de l'État / Formation of state discourse.

Histoire des intellectuels / History of intellectuals

Champs / Fields

Études kurdes / Kurdish Studies

Turquie contemporaine / Contemporary Turkey


1. Livres / Books

Şur Tuncay & Çakmak Yalçın (2022).  Aktör, Müttefik, Şaki, Kürt Aşiretleri, (Political Agent, Allied, Bandit, Kürdish Tribes), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

Çakmak Yalçın & Şur Tuncay (2018). Kürt Tarihi ve Siyasetinden Portreler (Portraits of Kurdish history and politics), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

Şur, Tuncay (2016). Türkiye’de Legal Kürt Siyaseti, Meşriuyet Arayışı ve Dışlanma (Pro-Kurdish Legal Politics in Turkey: Searching for Participating and Systematical Denial), Ankara, Ütopya Yayınevi.

2. Articles et Chapitres d'ouvrages / Articles and Book Chapters

Çakmak, Yalçın & Şur Tuncay (2022). Margins and Allegiance and Revolt: Relations between Kurdish Tribes and State from the Late Ottoman Period to the Early Modern Republic, International Journal of Conflict and Violence Vol: 16, p.1-16.

Şur, Tuncay (2022). Aşiretten Paramiliter Örgüte: Bucaklar (From Tribe to Paramilitary Organisation: Bucak Tribe), ed. Tuncay Şur & Yalçın Çakmak, Aktör, Müttefik, Şaki, Kürt Aşiretleri, (Political Agent, Allied, Bandit, Kürdish Tribes), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, p. 171-192.

Şur, Tuncay (2020). Yetmişli Yıllarda Kürt Hareketi ve Devlet: Fragmantasyon ve Radikalizasyon; Rekonstrüksiyon ve Rekonsolidasyon (The Kurdish movement and the Turkish state in the 1970s: Fragmentation and Radicalization; Reconstruction and reconsolidation), ed. Mete Kaan Kaynar, Türkiye’nin Yetmişli Yılları, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, p. 581-607.

Şur, Tuncay & Yarar Betül (2020). New Wars and Their Visual  Representation: Dead Bodies without Graves/Mourne, The International Visual Culture Review 2, 2020, p. 1-18.

Şur, Tuncay &Yarar Betül (2019). Sıradanlaşan Savaş: Sansürden Teşhire Savaş Hakikatleri / Görselleri (Normalization of War: Through the Censorship to Exposure Visuals/ Truths of War), ed. Betül Yarar, Yeni Türkiye, Hakikatsiz Siyaset, Soylu Yalan, Ankara: Phoenix Yayınları, p.255-283.

Şur, Tuncay (2018). Sait Kırmızıtoprak (Dr. şıvan): İntrospektif Bir Düşünür ve Aksiyom İnsanı (Sait Kırmızıtoprak (Dr. Şıvan): An Introspective Thinker and Action People), ed. Yalçın Çakmak & Tuncay Şur, Kürt Tarihi ve Siyasetinden Portreler, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, p. 247-267.

Şur, Tuncay & Atak, Seyhan (2018). Rethinking Borders: A Discussion onVisionof BordersinDemocraticConfederalism,EtudesKurde,Vol:12,p.103-134.

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